Wednesday, September 28, 2011

IPads for Teachers!

"Do you have a first generation Apple iPad lying around gathering dust? Are you at a loss of what to do with it? Need an excuse to upgrade to a newer model? Apple has suggested that customers who are upgrading to the new version of the device donate their old one and see it used to improve education in some of the worst schools in the country" (Lawrence). 

These IPads will go to Teach for America Graduates, who teach for two years in under-performing districts. So far over 10,000 IPads have been donated. This means that every one in 9,000 teachers will get one. 

I think this is an awesome idea. Not only are old IPads going to good use, but teachers in low performing schools will be able to utilize technology in the classroom!

ipad-3g. (nd). Retrieved from
Lawrence, J.  (September 22, 2011). Apple Customers Donate Thousands of iPads to Teachers? New York Times. Retrieved from:

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